Let’s face it. Most of us don’t have enough room on our back decks to feed the dog, let alone cook. Why builders don’t at least supply usable hard surface space in your back yard, I will never figure out. It is the first thing I usually get asked to fix when giving landscape estimates. How can a 10by10 concrete patio supply the needs of a husband, wife and just one child? It can’t and doesn’t. For a family of three that likes to BBQ and eat out in the summer time, 250 square feet is a pretty good space. This is roughly a 16by16 area, the size of a medium living room. Now we can BBQ, and eat outside without falling over the edge. The more people and entertaining that goes on, the larger the patio patios should be.
Don’t Covet The Neighbors Yard. Love Yours
May 18, 2016Reduce Reuse Recycle
May 22, 2016Do You Love Your Backyard Living Space?

It’s easy to imagine enjoying yourself, family and friends with this backyard.
The question is. Do you love your backyard living space?
At Woody’s Custom Landscaping, Inc. we have found that interlocking concrete paver patios work well for peoples budgets, look great, as well as stand up to wear. They don’t crack like concrete can and does. Our paver division amounts to about 50% of all our volume of work per year. This is not because of anything else, other than pavers are: medium priced, functional, fantastic looking and wear well. Let our ICPI certified team of professionals install your new patio. You will be glad you did.We have been keeping the Vancouver WA and Camas WA areas paved with our certified landscaping services for over twenty years. Get going on enjoying your summer with a new paver patio.

For those who like to enjoy their garden!

How about coming out to this pond and relieving some stress?
It’s as easy as going to our website www.woodyscustomlandscaping.com and pushing the contact us button or calling @ 360-687-1882 for your landscape or hardscape estimates. Here are some more landscaping blog posts you may enjoy. Paving Your Way Into A New Backyard With Concrete Pavers or Budgeting A Landscape With A Landscape Contractor